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Annotate Smarter

Annotate Smarter: Don't be Lost in the Wilderness of Team Annotation Projects

Optimize team annotation projects with BasicAI Cloud's roles & permissions management for a secure and efficient workflow.




Admon Foster

Master Roles & Privileges Management with BasicAI Cloud

Navigating a collaborative annotation project without proper roles and privileges management can feel like being dropped into a dense jungle without a map or compass. You're surrounded by unfamiliar territory, wild animals (or in this case, coworkers), and a nagging sense that there's got to be a better way to get through this.

Worry not, brave explorer! We're here to be your trusty guide through the tangled vines and pitfalls of team annotation projects.

Poster of team annotation

For Smooth Annotation Teamwork: Get Roles & Privileges Right

It is believed that data annotation projects are becoming increasingly complex. A team of skilled professionals must work together, leveraging their unique talents to achieve success. However, even the most experienced teams can face unexpected setbacks. Take, for example, a situation where an annotator accidentally deletes a dataset or prematurely clicks "complete" or "approve" on a task due to insufficient privileges. Suddenly, the once-thriving project comes to a grinding halt, leaving the team scrambling to get back on track.

No one wants their annotation project to become a cautionary tale. That's why it's crucial to equip your team with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenges of roles and privileges management. In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of BasicAI Cloud's Annotation Teamwork feature, guiding your team toward a more efficient, cohesive, and successful collaboration. By mastering roles and privileges management, you can ensure that your team is prepared for any adventure that lies ahead in the ever-evolving realm of data annotation.

Optimizing Team Annotation Projects with Roles-based Access Control

When it comes to team data annotation projects, it's essential to have a clear and efficient workflow. That's where BasicAI Cloud comes in - as the next-gen free AI-powered multimodal data annotation platform, it's optimized for team annotation projects. Today, we're diving into the roles and privileges management system that ensures seamless collaboration and top-notch quality annotations for your machine learning models. Let's get down to the details.

Different roles in creating a team annotation project on BasicAI Cloud

Meet the Team: Roles in BasicAI Cloud

A well-structured team lies at the heart of every successful data annotation project on BasicAI Cloud. These team roles include Annotators, Reviewers, Task Admins, Worker Admins, and Inspectors. Each role has specific privileges that contribute to a smooth and productive project workflow.


Annotators are data wizards who mark specific regions or objects and categorize them according to the project's ontology. Their privileges entail:

  • Data Annotation

  • Review

  • Leave/Check comments in Overview


Reviewers are the quality-gurus who examine the work of annotators and provide feedback or suggest modifications if needed. Reviewers share the same privileges as Annotators.

Task Admin

Task Admins, aka task-masters, manage and accept tasks. Only members with Admin privileges can wear this hat. They can be client-side Acceptors or Project Managers within the labeling team. Their privileges include:

  • Task Management

  • Manage data and annotation in Data Tab

  • Accept task in Data Tab

  • Manage task progress and comments in Overview

  • Manage tasks (Pause, Restart, Close, Configure settings)

  • View performance

  • Data Annotation

  • Review

  • Leave/Check comments in Overview

Worker Admin

Worker Admins are like Task Admins but without the ability to accept tasks. They generally serve as Group or Team Leaders within the labeling team. Their privileges are the same as Task Admins, minus the task acceptance feature.


Starting from Version v0.8.2, Inspectors join the team to approve tasks as completed. They can create, edit, and manage roles according to project requirements and configure privileges for customized roles.

Customize Your Team Structure with User-Defined Roles

Create user-defined roles on BasicAI Cloud for annotation teams

BasicAI Cloud allows you to define a role tailored to your team annotation project. All privileges are configurable, giving you the flexibility to create the perfect workflow for your needs. Here's a rundown of the available options:

Functional Privileges

1. Dataset

  • View, Create, Edit, Export, Delete, Annotate

2. Ontology Center

  • View, Create, Edit, Delete

3. Model

  • Model Run, Model-assist Tool

4. Task

  • View Task Management, Create Task, Close and Delete Task, Manage Tasks

Administrative Privileges

1. Members

  • View, Invite, Remove, Manage

2. Groups

  • View, Create, Add members in all groups, Remove members in all groups, Disband all groups

3. Roles

  • View, Create, Assign role, Edit, Delete

4. Plan & Billing

  • View, Manage Plan, Manage payment, Download Invoice

Importance of a Scalable and Configurable System

The customizable roles and privileges management system on BasicAI Cloud enables scalability. As your projects grow in size and complexity, you can easily modify roles and privileges to adapt to your team's evolving needs. This flexibility ensures that your team remains productive and efficient while managing a diverse range of data annotation projects.

BasicAI Cloud's role-based access control enhances data security within the annotation process. By assigning specific privileges to team members based on their roles, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data. This also helps maintain a clear separation of duties, reducing the chances of errors or data breaches.

Come Together!

The roles and privileges management system integrates seamlessly with other BasicAI Cloud team annotation features, such as workflow management and performance management. These features work together to create a holistic, end-to-end solution for your team's data annotation needs.

With BasicAI Cloud, your team data annotation projects are in good hands. The roles and privileges management system streamlines the project workflow, drives collaboration, and ensures top-quality annotations while maintaining data security.

So, gear up and let BasicAI Cloud help you optimize your team annotation projects like a pro!

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