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Data Annotation for Smart City

Scalable, Customized, and Expert AI Training Data Solution for Smart City Models

Intelligent Urban Management

Traffic Monitoring and Violation Detection

Traffic Monitoring and Violation Detection

We provide accurately annotated datasets that enable AI systems to analyze traffic camera feeds and sensor data comprehensively. With our attention to detail, algorithm engineers can train their models to accurately identify diverse road conditions and violations.

Semantic Segmentation

Image Classification

Polygon Annotation

Object Detection

Bounding Box Annotation

Parking Space Management

Parking Space Management

We specialize in providing precisely annotated datasets that can be used to optimize parking space management via AI. Our data enables algorithm engineers to train their models for accurate vehicle classification and location.

Bounding Box Annotation

Semantic Segmentation

Polygon Annotation

Instance Segmentation

Video Annotation

Infrastructure Safeguarding

Infrastructure Safeguarding

AI systems monitor crucial infrastructure, identifying irregularities and predicting potential failures. BasicAI's high quality annotated datasets help these systems to recognize infrastructure components and differentiate between normal and abnormal states.

Image Classification

Semantic Segmentation

Landmark Annotation

3D Point Cloud Annotation

Video Annotation

Eco-Protection Measures

Eco-Protection Measures

BasicAI provides meticulously annotated training datasets that can be used to detect environmental damages such as littering, illegal waste disposal, and pollution. Our data helps train AI models to differentiate various types of waste and pollution sources, promoting a cleaner environment.

Image Classification

Semantic Segmentation

Object Detection

Instance Segmentation

Video Annotation

Smart Safety Supervision

Hazardous Situation Recognition

Hazardous Situation Recognition

BasicAI provides annotated datasets that can be used to train AI models to scrutinize surveillance footage and spot potential threats. Our data helps algorithm engineers build systems that can recognize subtle signs of violence or danger, enhancing public safety.

Safety and Compliance Control and Inspection

Safety and Compliance Control and Inspection

At BasicAI, we provide annotated datasets for comprehensive safety and compliance monitoring. Our precise annotations allow algorithm engineers to train their models for identifying potential safety breaches, from incorrect equipment usage to unsafe operational practices.

Perimeter Surveillance and Intrusion Detection

Perimeter Surveillance and Intrusion Detection

AI models can analyze video feeds and sensor data to oversee perimeters and detect unauthorized entries. BasicAI provides labeled datasets guide these models in determining what constitutes a violation, such as a misplaced vehicle or an unrecognized person.

Crowd Disaster Avoidance

Crowd Disaster Avoidance

AI models monitor crowd movements to detect patterns that could lead to disasters like stampedes. BasicAI's training data enables AI models that understand crowd dynamics and identify dangerous situations, potentially saving lives during high-risk events.


Why BasicAI?

Quality Assurance and Prompt Delivery

Our extensive training programs, stringent quality control methods, and AI-enhanced processes guarantee premium data annotation delivered right on schedule to meet your project requirements.

Unwavering Data Protection

Through continuous supervision, rigorous process management, and a policy of data deletion after use, we safeguard your data with utmost privacy and handle it with the highest standard of care.

Proprietary Annotation Platform

Each project reaps the benefits of our unique, scalable AI-powered platform, built for top productivity, smooth teamwork, and first-rate data annotation.

Dedicated Project Manager

A proficient project manager will oversee your project, assuring steady progress, upholding high-quality benchmarks, and guaranteeing your full contentment at every phase.

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Get Essential Training Data for Your Smart City Model Today

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